Monday, May 21, 2007

Ok, ready for the summer...or spring...any time now. Cold and Rainy on this Victoria Day.

Thought I would try blogging again, but became sidetracked by Facebook along the way. There is less effort involved with Facebook, so it seems to work well for me. But it conjures up those old Junior High feelings (i.e. being on the fringes of everything) when you see people with more friends and you know someone is out there but they don't add you.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


After nearly a year, for some reason, I have decided to try this again.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

saturday morning

Thought I would post something on this today, could just post what I have been up to since the first of the year. The obvious - going to work. Also watched the entire "Sex and the City" series on DVD. I have become a big fan of watching a series on DVD - the whole show at once instead of waiting for 1 hour a week, then somehow forgetting about it or it being re-scheduled. Also watched "Arrested Development - Season 2" and finished season 1 of "Curb your Enthusiasm" last night. I am lucky enough to have a friend that has all these shows and is willing to lend them to me! I have 4 seasons of "The Sopranos" to watch next.

Ready for the Real Winter

Never have been a big fan of Winter, but I am ready for the real winter to begin...Feb 4th and expected high of 4 degrees and rain. It makes me a little uneasy - I really don't want snow in May; I will take it now, please!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Classic Dames Test

Myrna Loy
You scored 28% grit, 23% wit, 33% flair, and 35% class!

You are class itself, the calm, confident "perfect woman." Men turn and look at you admiringly as you walk down the street, and even your rivals have a grudging respect for you. You always know the right thing to say, do and, of course, wear. You can take charge of a situation when things get out of hand, and you're a great help to your partner even if they don't immediately see or know it. You are one classy dame. Your screen partners include William Powell and Cary Grant, you little simmerpot, you.

Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the Classic Leading Man Test.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas Decorations

Angel on the mantle...

The tree reaches the ceiling so I couldn't fit it all in...biggest one I can remember...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Saturday Evening

I can't believe no updates in 1.5 months...just don't know why or where the time went. I have no excuse! I think I have spent most of my online time shopping...

So, like everyone else, I have been Christmas shopping and decorating. But no baking - maybe will bake something closer to actual Christmas but we rarely get visitors so I would have ended up eating everything myself.

Went to see "Pride and Prejudice" not long ago, also "Walk the Line" and "Jarhead"...all really good. I think I like "P&P" the most...not the same without Colin Firth, but good in a different way.

Just finished reading "Gone with the Wind" - first time I have completed that in many years. The first time I read it I was 12 - a different book to me now. Needless to say, I don't think the same way anymore! Started watching the movie last night but realized the book was much better so I didn't finish watching the DVD!

So, not much going on for a Saturday night. Husband is at work - it was his birthday today so we had cake and presents this afternoon, and some of the family were over. Plan to put the tree up tomorrow - maybe I will post a picture.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Here is a Picture of new Living Room Floor

Look what the dog did....

one day last week the husband came home to find all remotes in more than one piece each, and the Sears Christmas wish book shredded. But she didn't ruin my issue of Allure's Reader Picks....

no title yet again

I really have slacked off of those things that goes in cycles.

What have I been up to the past floor finished last Saturday (final trim detail and cleaning up) just as in-laws (husbands brother and wife) arrived for a family wedding and overnight stay. So, got cleaned up (house and body) fast and we all left here for the wedding which was about 45 minutes away. Wedding was nice; never seen a groom look so nervous before. Bride looked cute as did her wedding party. And it was a gorgeous day for a wedding - a blindingly sunny fall day.

We didn't stay long at the reception as the plan was to get back home, have some more family and friends over to have a drinking party, cheaply. It was a really fun night but I woke up the next morning feeling very embarrassed by some of my drunken behaviour and I really hope I didn't offend anyone. I was assured I didn't, but I think my drinking days are going to have to exclude tequila because when I have tequila I get really mouthy and will not SHUT UP! Rum and Coke is's just the damn tequila.

Had a short work week as I took Friday off to head to Moncton for some shopping. Did the usual Costco and Wheaton's stops. Got a start on some minor Christmas shopping, and odds and ends. I hope to get up for an overnighter in November with the husband to get some serious shopping done.

So today, I am in my velour lounge suit doing not much of anything!